
💻 About Me
  • I’m a software engineer with three years of experience turning ☕ into < /code >. My superpower? Building robust applications that solve real-world problems. Think of me as a tech wizard, minus the hat and wand. If coding were an Olympic sport, I’d be chasing the 🥇 medal (or at least a participation trophy).
🌐 Frontend Technologies
  • React – Because life is too short for slow UIs. It’s like giving your website a Red Bull.
  • Next.js – For when you need server-side rendering on the fly. It’s the “fast food” of web frameworks—quick and satisfying.
  • Angular – The framework that makes you think in components. It’s like Legos, but for code.
  • ionic Ionic – Where mobile apps meet stylish cross-platform solutions. Think of it as a spa day for your app.
  • React Native – Building mobile apps without the native fuss. It’s like having your cake and eating it too—mobile development edition.
  • alpine Alpine.js – Light and breezy JavaScript for simpler interactions. Perfect for those days when you want to keep things chill.
  • webflow Webflow – Making web design look effortless. (It’s not.) Like trying to look cool while doing your own stunts.
🔧 Backend Technologies
  • go Go – For when you need speed, and no, I’m not talking about my coffee intake. It’s like putting your backend on a turbo boost.
  • python Python (Flask) – Serving up APIs with a side of Pythonic elegance. The ‘fast food’ of backend development, but with a gourmet touch.
  • rails Ruby on Rails – Making complex web development feel like a walk in the park. It’s the Swiss Army knife of frameworks—versatile and reliable.
  • Node.js – Because JavaScript should be everywhere, even on the server. It’s like your favorite JavaScript snack but served as a full-course meal.
🗃️ Databases
  • mysql MySQL – The classic database that’s been with us through thick and thin. Like your favorite pair of jeans—reliable and always in style.
  • postgresql PostgreSQL – When you need a database with a PhD in handling complex queries. It’s like having a personal librarian for your data.
  • firebase Firebase – Real-time databases that make your data feel alive. It’s like having a data party, and everyone’s invited.
  • supabase Supabase – Open-source goodness that makes PostgreSQL feel like a cloud superhero. Faster than a speeding bullet, and a lot more cost-effective.
⚙️ Additional Skills
  • git Git – Because version control is not just a luxury, it’s a necessity. It’s like having a time machine for your code—except less sci-fi, more practical.
  • RESTful API design – Making data transfer as smooth as butter. Like a good handshake, but for data.
  • graphql GraphQL – Because sometimes, you want more than just a RESTful API. You want an all-you-can-eat buffet of data queries.
🌟 Personal Traits
  • I’m obsessed with perfection – if it’s not pixel-perfect✨, it’s not done. My motto? “Done is better than perfect”... but only just.
  • My curiosity has me learning every new tech trend like it’s the latest Netflix series. I’m the binge-watcher of tech.☹️
  • I mentor junior developers, partly because I enjoy it, and partly because someone needs to help me find my misplaced semicolons. It’s a win-win!🤷‍♂️
  • My goal? To use my tech skills to change the world, one bug fix at a time. Think of it as a personal mission to make the digital world a better place.🙂

This section is still in development....won’t be long now 🙂